domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015

Selecting Materials- Teacher's Role

Dear teacher-students,

Here you can find the questions we will be discussing in tomorow's class taking into account the books you will bring.



Here is a checklist of questions to ask when selecting course books.

1-    What sort of approach does the book appear to adopt?
2-    Does one approach predominate? Which? Support your answer.
3-    How are new teaching points graded?
4-    Is the organization of the course book linear or cyclical?
5-    Are there any special pages of units for revision, self testing or reference?
6-    What are the art work and layout like? Are they attractive? Are they useful or only decorative?
7-    Does the book induce examples of authentic language and material?
8-    Does the book include workbooks, tests, tapes, videos, etc…?
9-    Is the book easy to follow? Does it contain an index?
10-                      Does the material have a specific cultural setting or is it non culture –specific?
11-                      Can you spot any notable omissions? Will you have to supplement the book in any way?
12-                      How is each unit titled? Is it clear? Functional?
13-                      How is new language presented?
14-                      Does the presentation of new activities force the teacher to follow the unit sequence of the book?
15-                      How new language is presented in each unit? Is it appropriate for your children?
16-                      What kind of practice activities are there? Are they motivating and meaningful?
17-                      How much variety of activities is there?
18-                      How is the vocabulary presented?
19-                      Is there an opportunity for reviewing at the end of each unit?
20-                       How are the different skills treated? Are they integrated?

Maura Imelda Día
M.A in applied linguistics

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